IGNES Handbags are a range of accessories from Uruguay, founded by sister and brother team - Maria and Ignacio Estrada. The brand is best known for its custom-made service, which gives you the chance to create your very own personalized handbag. Your handbag will be crafted individually with the finest materials.

The leathers are handpicked by the IGNES co-founders with attention to detail, quality and individuality. Before creating IGNES Maria was in the London art world while her brother Ignacio was in Uruguay, their home country, having returned after working in finance in New York.

The desire to dream big and a strong commitment to their country gave way to the fusion of cosmopolitan style with unique, quality-led South American leathers, and a social responsibility edge, creating the IGNES brand.

Luxury at its best without the price tag.

The custom-made service, also known as IGNES Elite, allows customers to select design, leather (more than 50 to choose from, from ultra-soft to exotic and unique), hardware, and engraving! As well as choose extras to include in their bag such as beautiful suede, adding chains, a zipper, changing the length or adding a detachable strap, and even include studs... to make their bag even more exclusive.


tavo said... @ June 16, 2022 at 1:29 PM

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