Miss Jenny has been up to a lot designing her Super Luxe Jewelry line. I checked out her blog only to find that she has been designing for celebs for ages. Her pieces are one of a kind beautiful creations that spark creativity and yield themselves to glamour. I find them to be outlandish expressions of where fashion and art converge. The jewelry can be found here.


The fragrance industry is a billion dollar one. Why not feed into the frenzy with a beautiful scented candle by TOCCA. The Bali Candelina, Champaca Flower has a sweet and velvety scent that brings forth memories of white sand beaches and swaying palms....The candle illuminates harmony and helps to sooth the senses. It even comes with a Tocca matchbook and can be burned for up to 20hours. With a price tag of only $16 smackaroos, how's that for affordable luxury?


There is nothing more tell-tale than a woman's accessories, you can automatically read her depending upon the shoes she wears, the handbag she carries and the pieces she uses to adorn herself. A lady that is truly in touch will dress her extremities with the finest. I am a sincere believer in well crafted, creatively designed, costume jewelry. Some think it's ok to pile on the junk but I find it to be very important to wear jewelry that makes a bold statement and carries a status. Take a look at this elegant cuff by Kara Ross NY, it's delicate taupe texture offsets is golden finish. I love the design and it's more than enough to dress up an otherwise lackluster ensemble.